13 Oct 2009

Farming souls

Eh?! Bon Jovi's doing the theme song for FFCC: The Crystal Bearers?! That's... Yeah, "what the hell?!" basically sums up my response. Still, I haven't actually heard the track, so I'll reserve judgement until then.

Died a bunch more times due to being sleepy and just goofing around. I probably shouldn't do that since it affects my Tendency in a negative manner... if I were in my body. I'm still getting roasted by that dragon, mostly because I keep rushing ahead without waiting for it to make its rounds. Also, OSTRAVA YOU SUCK BIG TIME. YOU DO NOT ENGAGE THE ENEMY LIKE A FREAKIN' KNIGHT TEMPLAR YOU DUMB PIECE OF &$%#$. Though... That did net me the Mausoleum Key, so... STILL. NOW I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL MY NEXT PLAYTHROUGH BEFORE I CAN SAVE YOUR SORRY ASS (AGAIN).

*ahem* Anyways, farming souls in 4-1 against the White Skeletons to raise my stats. Hoping to get to Soul Level 15~17 then continuing on with 2-1. I'm skipping 1-2 for the time being so I can go online with that chapter. It seems that being on the server hurries along the dragon a bit, so maybe I won't get roasted as often.

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