6 Mar 2011

The Last Remnant JP Guide Summaries Chapter 1

The Mechanisms of The Last Remnant

World Map <-> Field
World Map <-> City Map
World Map <-> Dungeon
City Map <-> Inner Map
Dungeon -> Field

Unit & Unions
Units have 3 parameters to take note of: Status, Equipment, Arts.
There are also 4 races: Mitra (human), Yama (fish), Qsiti (frog), Sovani (cat). This can affect the size of weapons they can equip.
Qsiti: S (One-Handed, Power Grip, Two-Handed) and M (Power Grip, Two-Handed)
Mitra: M (One-Handed, Power Grip, Two-Handed) and L (Power Grip, Two-Handed)
Yama: L (One-Handed, Power Grip, Two-Handed) and LL (Power Grip, Two-Handed)
Sovani: M (Quad Wield, Dual Power Grip) and L (Dual Power Grip, Dual Two-handed)
* Mitra can use Small Shields, Yama can use Midsize Shields. All One-Handed equipment can be Dual-Wielded. No, you can't DW Shields like in Demon's Souls. Don't. Even. Try.

They bestow bonuses based on the level of the class. Class change is dependent on various factors such as stats, skill levels, class type eligibility, etc.

Unit Parameters
Strength: Increases damage given and decreases damage taken from Physical attacks (normal and Combat Arts).
Intellect: Increases damage given and decreases damage taken from Mystic Arts. Also increases amount healed.
Speed: Affects union movement, unit speed and evasion.
Unique: Various things, such as union chemistry, reassessment, reactions, actions during Fumbles/Botches, etc. For a technical explanation, read this. It's not the whole story though. Quite the mystery.
!Emblem: Each unit has an emblem which they are associated with. While the info is hidden, the emblem actually links to the unit's formation attribute data. Thus, units with identical emblems have identical formation attributes, save for their Race and Gender.

There are 3 categories of equipment: Weapons, Shields and Accessories. Weapons can go in the Main and Sub slots, depending on the race and size of the weapon. Using Power Grip means that whatever was in the Sub slot would be put away. Shields can only go into the Sub slot. There are 4 categories of Weapons and Shield; Common, Enhance, Epic and Unique. Most, if not all, Epic weapons can grant a Weapon Art upon satisfying the WAs requirements. A unit can equip up to 2 accessories. The 5th slot is reserved for unique accessories, which are obtained as part of the story or through a quest. They are usually Remnants.

Weapons have 4 parameters that should be noted: ATK, MYS, DEF and M.DEF. ATK affects how much physical damage is dealt, DEF affects how much physical damage is received, MYS affects how much mystic damage is dealt and M.DEF affects how much mystic damage is received. There are two hidden parameters, which are the EVA stat and weight for each weapon. For the most part, these can be ignored. It should be noted that Dual wielding seems to impart an EVA penalty.
There are 3 types, 6 sub-categories: Blades (Sword/Katana), Breakers (Mace/Axe), Polearm (Staff/Spear). All 6 weapon types can have one of the following modifiers: Slash, Maul, Bludgeon and Pierce. There is an Omni modifier, but that is reserved for Mystic Arts and Extra Arts. The modifiers from the weapon and combat art are taken into account during fights as different monsters/bosses have specific weaknesses and resists to modifiers and effects. The extra damage is only added if the enemy is weak against that modifier. The modifiers also have levels: no prefix, Mighty and Godly. Each level grants extra damage dealt by that modifier: 20%, 50% and 100% respectively.

Shields can only go in the sub slot, and their primary use is to block attacks. The EVA and M.EVA numbers show the likelihood of the unit to block physical and mystic attacks. Using a shield is the only way to block mystic attacks. Note that it should be possible to style change even with a shield equipped in the X360 version. Shields block style changes for the PC.
*** None of the Athlum soldiers come with shields.

There are 7 types of accessories, sorted into their focus types. HP, AP, STR, INT, Speed, Physical, Mystic. The first 5 are primarily used to boost parameters, although the better accessories have desirable Effects to impart. The Physical and Mystic accessories are primarily used to reduce damage taken.
*** Due to either a programming error or deliberate coding, units on the Mystic focus path will not request INT and Mystic accessories ever. There is a way to fix it on the PC version, but X360 users have to live with them using Balance focus accessories. For PC users, do this: find the address at 010B3030 on the .exe, then change the 02 to 03, or find the link to the modified .exe on the wiki. They will begin to ask for Mystic focus accessories.

How to improve equipment
Within towns there are weapon shops and accessory shops to look out for. However, the best equipment would come from making use of the customize shops. From there, you can either upgrade weapons and/or shields, or create them along with accessories. You can also find them in treasure Remnants or as rare drops from certain monsters, mostly the Jhana.

Weapon Weight
While this stat is hidden, it can be inferred that the larger the item, the heavier it is. This, however, cannot be said for the accessories as we can't see what size they are. Remnants tend to be quite heavy. Power gripping a weapon can help alleviate the weight burden somewhat.

Equipment Effects
This can be seen when checking on a piece of equipment, under the "Effect" box. There are many different effects to look out for, as they can improve parameters, reduce damage, improve damage ratings, impart status effects, provide growth boosts, or even unlock a skill (PC only).

Equipment Growth
There are 3 growth rates, which is hidden from the player: Fast, Normal, Slow. The upper tier weapons tend to have slower growth rates in exchange for better bonuses. All weapons with the "Military Issue" effect (does nothing) have the Fast growth rate. These levels also carry over when upgrading equipment. Do note that an "illegal" upgrade that many leaders (and soldiers on the X360) have will replace the weapon, meaning that the upgrades will be lost. The highest level is +9, while the lowest is -3 (from drops).

Knowing the Arts
In battle, Arts consume AP whereas Item Arts only use Components. There are 4 categories: Fighting, Mystic, Item, Extra. Continuous use of the arts would eventually level it up, reducing AP cost while increasing power, or in the case of Item Arts, reduces the number of materials needed. It also provides an opportunity to spark new arts.

Arts Description
Under each unit's status, you can check on the art's Type, Modifier, AP cost/Component Cost and Effect.

Fighting Arts - Physical arts
The FAs consume AP and deal Physical damage. On the Arts screen, they are separated based on the wield style used. Depending on their weapon, they would also learn Weapon specific arts according to their wield style, and would be grouped under wield style.

There are 7 main wield styles, of which 3 are exclusive to Sovani, what with their 4 arms. Mitra, Qsiti and Yama can go: One-handed, Power Grip, Dual Wield and Two-handed. Sovani have: Quad Wield, Dual Power Grip and Dual Two-handed. As for style changes, it go like this: One-handed <-> Power Grip <-> Dual Wield <-> One-handed and Quad Wield <-> Dual Power Grip.

While FAs are primarily used to attack a single unit, there are arts that can hit an area or a union. Union attacks learned from PG+Mace (憤龍玉砕/Dragon's Roar), DW+Mace (羅渾灼滅撃/Final Toll), and TH+Staff (砕打/Crush). Area attacks are learned using OH+Katana (夢幻雪月/Snowfall), DW+Axe (デッドスパイラル/Topspin), TH+Staff (地壊衝/Temblor), and DPG (サンクション/Retribution).

Mystic Arts - Offense, Recovery, etc.
Mystic Arts, much like FAs, are categorized by type and consume AP. There are 6 main categories of MAs, with one unlockable when triggered. Invocations, Evocations and Hexes are considered "Low Mystic," while Remedies, Psionics and Wards are "High Mystic." It's just a categorization for their Skill Tree level up type; it takes less EXP to level up the "High Mystic" group because it's more situational for their use, while the "Low Mystic" group can generally be used every turn. The Arcana/Taboo MAs are not levelled up, but are unlocked through specific combinations of MAs used in synergy. There are 5 in the X360 version and 6 on the PC, with Crimson Flare being the new Arcana.

Invocations - Close range with a few long range options. Crimson Flare is triggered through Grenade Impact, and thus not used for Blackout on the PC.
Evocations - Centred around long range attacks, with the Rank S art being the only close range option.
Hexes - Union-based status effects, along with some Morale lowering attacks.
Remedies - Recovery and Status clearing, with minor buffing.
Psionics - Mostly about keeping Morale in your favour. Most of the arts are long range. While some of them don't deal damage, the modifier is present to help determine how much or little Morale is affected (treated like an attack even if it doesn't do damage). Also has access to one of the most powerful Arcana, Fatal Eclipse.
Wards - Purely support, like Remedies. Used to protect other unions and raising their morale and stats. There is no Arcana associated with this Skill.

Several of the Mystic Arts, in addition to doing damage, have Effects attached to them. While most of these aren't major status effects, they can help swing the battle toward your favour by increasing damage dealt or simply landing an effect that would cripple the enemy.

Item Arts - Using "Components" to use Arts.
Unlike the other two Arts types, Item Arts don't consume AP when used. Instead, "components" are used. The main benefit from IAs is that they're much faster than Mystic Arts, there's lower risk when using them for recovery purposes and the AP can be saved for other uses. However, since they use components, there's always the risk of actually running out of components for particular arts. Also to note is that MAs can take precedence over IAs if MA>IA in the amount healed.

There are 6 types of IAs: Herbs, Lotions, Potions, Explosives, Shards and Battle Traps. Herbs, Lotions and Potions are considered Recovery/Buff types, while the latter 3 are Attack types. All of the IAs, with the exception of Shards, deal physical damage and can be blocked as such. For the most part, IA damage is fixed.

Herbs - HP recovery and reviving. 拡散氷結薬/Frost Tincture is the attack art. Components found in Athlum.
Lotions - Main focus is status recovery, with a union heal and revive art. トルネードローション/Cyclone Cream is the attack art. Components found in Elysion - Tula Street.
Potions - Mostly buffing. Each one imparts an additional effect once it reaches Lv. 4~5. フレイムボトル/Flame Bottle is the attack art. Components found in Celapaleis
Explosives - All damage with status effects attached to them. Components found in Balterossa.
Shards - Mystic damage based on a modifier (Slash, Maul, Bludgeon, Pierce, Omni). Also has a union healing art. Components found in Nagapur. Very expensive to train.
Battle Traps - Mostly used to shift Morale, although there is an attack art and can inflict a few statuses. Components found in Melphina.

The components needed for each art can be seen when purchasing them. The "Arcanum," as the book puts it. As the skills level up, it can be activated faster and the number of components needed will also be reduced.

Extra Arts - Arts that can "Turn the Tide."
Most Extra Arts have a special indicator, in the form of an orange haze. These arts tend to be very slow and consume large amounts of AP, but are capable of dealing extreme amounts of damage.

Unique Arts - These are exclusive to Unique Leaders, and can only be used as the Union Leader (can be used in any position on the X360). These usually have fairly strict conditions before they can be used, such has low union HP (30% or less) and/or high/low union morale (110/1000 or 700+/1000). When the orange haze is active (ie. the unit using the UA hasn't acted yet), everyone in the union receives an evasion boost to ~95%. Activation of these arts raises Morale slightly, but drains the union's morale.

Special Arts - Conjurations. There are only 2 of these: Rush's Talisman Guard and David's Gae Bolg. The thing to note about these 2 are that they use the Remnants they have, and operate under the same conditions as UAs. The Gae Bolg increases Army Morale slightly, but drains union morale. Talisman Guard does not affect morale when activated.

Summon Remnants - There are 3 summons that can be obtained, 1 from the story and 2 from quests. Although there are 3, only 1 can be summoned at any time during a fight. The lower the union number, the higher the summoner's priority. These summons can't be controlled, and act like Guest unions. They usually have 9999HP, are resistant to most status effects and have their own move sets. Summoning can also leave that union open to a Raidlock.

Weapon Arts - These are special arts that are unlocked after meeting certain weapon and wield style requirements. Remnant Weapon Arts require the user to be the union leader, and causes the union to act as if there's a UA/SA user there. Normal WAs, however, act like if there were just FAs that deal extreme amounts of damage. Weapon Arts can increase Morale slightly on the PC, but drain the union's morale.

Arcana commands also have the orange haze, but the union must be out of the deadlock and have at least 3 mystic units in order to use them. Force triggering or using the command will also completely drain the union's morale. It should be noted that none of the Extra Arts and Arcana drain the union's morale after usage on the X360 version.

An important note. Any WA or EA that doesn't do damage will not drain the union's morale. So Wall/Imperial Aegis, Soulshield, Nethershield and Talisman Guard don't drain union morale.

Union Organization and Formation
Under the menu, there's the "Union Board" option. From there, you can organize your unions in different patterns to achieve different effects.

How to use the Union Board
The Party Menu's Union Board is where you organize your party members into smaller groups to be deployed in battle. The number of unions and units that can be deployed increases as the story progresses.
Step 1: Choose the Formation you want.
Step 2: Choose the Union Leader.
Step 3: Fill in positions with whoever you want in the union. You can only have a max of 5 units per union.
!!! It should be noted that there is no leader restriction on for the PC version. On the X360 version, you are limited to (Battle Union/Battle Leader/Battle Unit) 2/3/3, 3/4/9, 4/5/12, 5/6/15 and 5/6/18 configurations. In reality, it would be 2/2/3, 3/3/9, 4/4/12, 5/5/15, and 5/5/18 as Rush must always be deployed.

The union's HP and AP values is the sum of all the units in it, while the ATK/DEF/MYS/M.DEF values are the averages of the units' equipment with the formation bonus/penalties factored in. This doesn't reflect the union's true strength, but rather the average of their abilities.

Throughout the story, the number of units and unions you can deploy increases until you have 5 unions and 18 units max. How they are organized is up to the player. More unions means fewer units in each one, making them weaker but gives rise to increased chances for Side Attacks/Rear Assaults/Massive Strikes. Fewer unions means that they can be stronger, but are more prone to being flanked.

When constructing a union, it should be noted that they can be arranged in a 5x5 square pattern. The front 2 rows are generally the front lines that give rise to ATK and DEF boosts, whereas the back 3 are the rear and give MYS and M.DEF boosts. The rear line is highlighted with a green glow. Formations may also impart a special effect such as boosting the power of Remedies arts (Queen's Warder). This is a generalization, and should be ignored as difference formations may deviate from what you may expect. All the formations are grouped together in the inventory according to their focus; General, Physical Attack, Mystic Attack, Speed, Physical Defense, Mystic Defense, Recovery and for the PC, The Seven.

Formation Upgrades
Depending on the units within the union, upgrades to the base formation may be achieved, resulting in larger positive boosts and smaller penalties. This is done through combining units with the right formation attributes, which are hidden. They are "Special", "Generic", "Physical", "Mystic", "Speed", "Recovery", and introduced on the PC, "The Seven". Also to note are "Male" and "Female" (only applicable to Mitra) and the races. There are further upgrades that can be achieved, but it also depends on whether or not Rush has found the formation upgrade as a treasure or from completing guild tasks.

How to Use Item
The 4 Types of Items
Throughout the game, you will encounter various types or items, all of which will fall under one of 4 categories: Components, Materials, Captured Monsters and Key Items. Some of these may be obtained from treasures, guild tasks, battle, harvest points or quests. The inventory can be viewed under the Party Items sub-menu. As you progress through the story, more items will become available for purchase. At any given point, the most you can hold of any item is 100. If the amount received from somewhere will exceed 100, then the excess will be discarded. If you have too many of something, then you can sell the excess items.

Components - For Item Arts
The 6 IA Skills have a specific combination of items that can be used to deal damage or use their effects. The full line can only be purchased in specific cities, and the selection will open up through story progression.

Herbs - Athlum. Uses Leaves and Herbs.
Potions - Celapaleis. Uses Oils and Ales.
Lotions - Elysion. Uses Tonics and Plants.
Explosives - Balterossa. Uses Explosive Agents.
Shards - Nagapur. Uses Shards and Sands.
Traps - Melphina. Uses various tools.

The components used in each IA are specific to that IA, so there is a risk of running out of components if the player relies on them too heavily. So be sure to keep well stocked in the components that you know you'll be using!

Materials - For Customization
There are about 800 different materials to collect to help customize what Rush and his party can use. The only use for them is to be taken to the Customization Shop to either upgrade or create new pieces of equipment (weapons/shields/accessories). As with the Components, the number of materials you can access will increase, and shops will start stocking some of the more expensive materials. However, the best way to obtain them is to use the Drill and from fighting monsters. Some materials are given out as rewards from quests or guild tasks. This is also a good way to get party members, if they need the material, to clone them, thus cutting down some time from finding it. This method does require the player to know what and where they can find it.

Captured Monsters
During battle, if a monster can be captured and is captured, it will remain on the field. From there, you have 2 options; leave it alone or split the monster. Once it's split, you can't undo the action. Each monster has 4 possible items it can split into, especially for the Rare Monsters as some of their splits are for guild tasks. The ones that aren't split can be sold for money and Trade Points (unlocking Trade Goods).

Key Items
There are 5 types of Key Items that can be obtained throughout the game: Quest/Story Items, Formations and Upgrades, Weekly and Daily Magazines, Orbs and Formulae, Remnants.

Quest/Story Items: Exactly what it says. They're obtained through quests or story events.
Formations and Upgrades: These are either found in treasures, or obtained from quests and guild tasks. Having the scroll in the inventory means that it's possible to use the formation, and if the upgrade is present, then also also upgrade the formation.
Weekly/Daily magazines: Obtained from completing specific guild tasks, these items help improve the monster drops, and are required for upgrading high end weapons. The drop rates for the specific drops are 30% and 15% respectively.
Orbs/Formulae: Obtained from guild tasks (Lotions/Potions/Explosives or quests (MAs, Shards, Traps). These enable Rush to use the Skills.
Remnants: Obtained through the story and quests. Story characters have their Remnants in their Unique Slot, while others will have them in their accessory slot (doesn't show up in the Key Items menu). The Remnants will also appear in the Key Items section.

Shops and Trade Goods
Find What You're Looking For
The various shops can be identified by the icons, and will sell you specific types of items. There are Components, Materials, Equipment and Customize shops in almost every town. You can buy Components and Materials in bulk, but Equipment can only be bought one by one. Selling can be done in bulk as well, by highlighting the ones you want to sell.

Trade Goods
By selling captured monsters, you will earn Trade Points to certain categories in all shops. Trade goods will be noted with a balance scale icon, and will be available in limited quantities. If you don't have a high enough Trade Rank for a specific category, then the item(s) will be blanked out with a "???" designation. There are 7 categories that can be affected through selling captured monsters: Gem, Material, Leather, Antique, Recipe, Equipment and Imperator. All Rares give a small boost to Imperator, while specific monster races will boost certain categories.

How to use the Customize Shop
Customization - Improving Weapons and Shields
After a while, the units' equipment will start to fall behind, so an upgrade will be needed. At the Customize shop, you can check what can be upgraded at the moment based on what materials are currently in the inventory. If an item can't be upgraded, then the shop owner will say so. On the PC, you can check what materials your party members need, though you wouldn't know how much they need of what.

There are 4 ranks for equipment: Common, Enhance, Epic, Unique. Most Unique equipment can't be further customized, so be sure to weigh the pros and cons of going that route. Enhance customizations tend to show up earlier in the upgrade lines, while Epic equips can be customized from both Common and Enhance pieces. This can vary based on the starting points, so looking up the upgrade path will help cut down on the frustration. Of course, there's still the issue of gathering said materials.

When upgrading, there may be a drop in stats when going from one rank to another (Common -> Enhance, Enhance -> Epic, Common -> Epic). The drop is minor when compared to the final upgrade to their lines. One thing of note is that Epic equipment have a Weapon Art (WA) associated with it once WS and WT requirements are met. Remnants are considered Epic weapons.

The other upgrade is known as a "strengthening." On occasion on the results screen, you will see that a piece of equipment may have been strengthened. This will add a +1 (or higher) to the equip, and increases its stats by a percentage (truncated). However, the upgrades will be lost if the unit goes through an illegal upgrade (doesn't follow the upgrade path of that equip) as the unit is creating a new piece and tossing away the old.

The other way to craft equipment is through creation. Most of the equipment created can't be upgraded any further, so it's only a short-term solution for better equipment. The main purpose of this option is the creation of accessories, as they will have effects that won't be found in a regular shop. Some of the costs for creation can be lowered slightly if there is a Recipe present.

Sometimes, you're the one that needs the materials. Some pieces of equipment disassemble into materials that you or other party members need/want. This is especially true for Imperium (can't be harvested) and Jewel Steel (3% drop). The reason why you would want to disassemble equipment is because party members will also receive the amount from the disassembly. It's a more efficient way of gathering some of the materials they need for upgrading.

Pubs and Quests
Quest Progression
Client -> Target Area to complete task -> Reward.
Most of the time, the client will be hiding in a pub with a red bubble above their head. The reason you would want to do their quests is for their rewards. They range from opening new areas, money, materials, etc. For some, finishing their quest unlocks them for recruitment, or opens up a new guild.

There are 68 quests to complete, and they open up based on question completion and story progression. It should be noted that some quests will be cut off if certain conditions are met. Taking key Remnants is one of them (Lia Fort for Violet [The Dreaming Rose], Flachonelle for Nora [Kate and Rhagoh] and the Dead Heart for Haruko [Hearts]), as is forgetting to talk to certain people (Ghor during the Six Bases). One way to check up on quest availability, other than looking at a guide, is to talk to the pub helpers. There are usually rumours floating about for all the quests, and from there it's a matter of figuring out where the client might be. Each town has something different to say about each quest.

Once the quest starts, it's possible to abort/suspend it by leaving for the world map. This is sometimes advisable for the much more difficult quests as their boss fights can be hard to deal with depending on how far into the story you begin it.

How to use the Guild
One of the main purposes of a guild is the recruitment of leaders (unique and generic). The other is to complete various guild tasks for their rewards. It's a good source of income and can net you various items as a result as well (Formations, 3 new IA Skills, materials, equipment).

There are unique and generic leaders found at the guilds. Each have their merits, so it's best not to dismiss generics because they're, well, generic.
Unique: Can engage in Party Talks for requesting equipment, equipment focuses, new MA and IA and may have a quest associated with them. They will all become available for rehiring after a threshold has been reached (number of battles or time).
Generic: More become available based on story progression and which guild task has been completed. Once dismissed, most of them can't be rehired.

Guild Tasks
Each of the guilds has a few types of tasks to complete. They range from killing a certain number of monsters (The Bloodythirsty Warrior), specific Rares (The Monsterslayer), having enough of a certain material (The Collector), equipment (The Weaponmaster), classes and stats (Leader Extraordinaire), Chain (Battle Chains of Steel and number of treasures opened (Treasure Hunt). There are also the Bonus Tasks which require the various Eyes to appear.

There are 3 main Guilds that you can go to. The Sword of Three Realms and Ring of the Labyrinth/Ring of the Ancient Castle guilds must be unlocked through quests and are only available in certain cities. The Union of the Golden Chalice is found in almost every city.

The Drill
Harvest Points
After completing the quest involving the mysterious... thing (its trademark is the 3 horns...?), it will follow you around, allowing Rush to obtain various materials from harvest points. There are 2 types: Harvest and Excavation. Harvest points show up as white swirls while the Excavation points show up as orange swirls. Harvesting each time will decrease the Drill's D-Acts by 1. Each point has a set of materials that can be obtained, along with its chance (also a default 10% chance of nothing, though some points will be higher). There's also a separate 10% rate of obtaining a rare item. You will always get something from an Excavation point, there are usually Recipes or antiques in them. The Dig points also differ; Felling, Digging, Sifting (water/land) and Jump. Depending on which one is used, the Drill's stats will increase at different rates. Sometimes, it will manage to harvest more than usual, resulting in an Item Bonus. If it finds a Rare Item, it will be displayed on the screen.

D-Acts and D-Bullets
The Drill starts with only 5 D-Acts, but can be increased to 21 through finding the 16 morsels for the little guy to nibble on. They are found in...
Ruins of Robelia Castle
The Great Sand Sea
The Great Subterrane
Siebenbur - Fifth Path and Second Path
The Catacombs
The Heroic Ramparts
Darken Forest
Mt. Vackel

On occasion while gathering materials, the Drill will try for a Loop Chance, resulting in it going into Overdrive. There's no demerit for this happening, and it will try to harvest even more items. There is a chance for the Overdrive to fail...

The Drill's stats
Power, Technique and Drill. Those are the 3 stats that will increase based on how much it harvests. Each parameter has 16 levels to it, and increasing them will eventually unlock new skills to improve harvest rates. The different points will increase each of the parameters a different amount. Each level it goes up will change its prefix, eventually going to "Grand ____ Master."

On occasion, the Drill will accidentally do something wrong. This usually results in monsters chasing Rush. Not all points have an accident associated with them, so it's quite safe to drill around. Most of the accidents tend to be loud noises that anger monsters, some strange liquid that angers/charms/terrifies monsters, reduces D-Acts or even restores D-Acts.

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