4 Jan 2014

Silent Melody

Well, played through inFAMOUS 2 twice and Platinum'd the game within a week without much effort. Definitely like it a lot more than the first one, although it did have its little charms (grumpy Cole, for one; I don't miss chasing helicopters on foot). The one thing that constantly irked me was the camera though. I really didn't need it swinging back and forth to give me more dynamic angles when I was using finishers. Really, it gets old after the first 20 or so uses. Mostly because there are about 3 animations for a normal finisher and 3 for the ultra finishers, and considering an upgrade you can get for ultra finishers to restore energy after a take down, you'll be seeing those a lot if you go for melee (it tends to be faster to recharge energy this way as long as there's a human-sized enemy, unless you're low on health; Cole can't really eat a rocket to the face on Hard). Another problem with the camera after finishers was that it can be disorienting as the camera will attempt to shift behind Cole, and he's usually not facing the direction you originally had him.

You can see that a lot more effort was put into 2. Didn't really notice any stock animations during key scenes. Somewhat forgivable for the random NPCs since they're not major players. The game was also more my speed. iF1 felt a little bit slow and clunky, iF2 fit more my "let's get this done as efficiently as possible" mentality at times. Plus, with the power variations and being able to swap them out with Left on the D-Pad, more variation in battle! Although it does break up combat while changing things since it does pause the game. Real-time changing probably would've been a bit much in the middle of a massive firefight. Not that I would mind since even Hard Mode was a bit too easy once you got enough upgrades/cheesed your way to either Hero or Infamous ranked powers.

Still prefer the Good powers over the Evil ones. All that extra splash damage is great and all, but nothing really beats freezing your enemies for an instakill and some extra EXP. Not to mention energy regen when you hit human-sized enemies with any Bolt variation. Kinda miss the grenade upgrade that would auto-restrain your enemies if they were taken down by it. Some of the new neutral powers are pretty fun to play with, including the DLC ones. Love the Electrocution Grenade for setting up head shots. The Lightning Tether is also nice for travelling around when I don't feel like climbing things. And then I end up climbing it anyways because I tend to have Kinetic Pulse or Frost Shield equipped to the R2 slot.

Both endings sucked. Kill all humans or kill all Conduits. Either way, someone gets screwed. But then there's Second Son, which leaves me curious as to what really happened with the RFI. Seattle is definitely a lot closer than somewhere across the ocean if we're to take into account diminishing effects based on blast radius... We'll see what happens.

I suppose the next thing I should conquer is the UGC Editor. Looks like a fun little tool to play with. After I watch the tutorial vids. Or maybe I won't get to it because the break's almost over...

Oh yeah. Second Son has been pre-ordered... Problem is, I don't have a PS4. Yet. And the first thing I'm going to do when I get around to playing it? DUNKING DELSIN IN WATER. I should ask a friend who's actually living in Seattle where has the most water... or at least the deepest pool.