8 Feb 2010


OK... Component farming now. Grinding can be done along the way since the weapons are more important right now. After beating The Fallen, it's off to the Ancient Ruins for even more grinding! And maybe not dying against the Demigod? Most of the components needed are from magazine drops, making it even more annoying since I would have to chain them together to improve drop rates. I should also clear up some of those Guild Quests now. Still can't seem to spawn Prometheus, which is annoying me to no end. It's required to reach Union of the Golden Chalice Rank 2. Rank 1 is easy enough by zoning in and out in Blackdale. And to think that I'm planning to do this all again in Japanese for my next run.

Mattis upgraded to an Excellent Konbo from the Commander's Bludgeon, and has items listed for the Blackjack. Will probably stop upgrading at Superlative Blackjack. If that's the case, he too will have a Weapon Art: Double Down. It looks like if there's a customization to another "type" of weapon that's less expensive, they'll go for it. Although... There was a soldier in my previous run that didn't do that. He was using the Tomahawk customizations, but didn't upgrade to the Hawkwind. I think the line has to split sufficiently early before they do that. The Commander's Tomahawk only has the Elite's Tomahawk as its upgrade, unlike a few other "Commander's" weapons. Still, it doesn't really explain why Mayfield goes from Spatha to Bluesteel, other than it's less expensive and requires fewer materials. It's still stupid though. He goes from the Power modifier to the Speed modifier. At least for this run I realized that and just kept him from using ANY arts. Still hits a few things with the sword though. Still... Can't upgrade to the Bluesteel until after beating The Fallen.

CE has a speedhack that I can use. USE IT WHILE GRINDING.

... I need to start drawing again. Really want to draw ラシュダヴィ just to annoy a few friends, and possibly much to the delight of another. Stop looking at me like that.

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