23 Mar 2014

This must be Hell

I think I'm going to start counting how many times I've shouted expletives while playing a certain Xavi stage. They've managed to make the gimmick from 3/U worse. Granted, I was going at it with Matabei, who I'm not particularly good at using. He has a somewhat annoying pause when using some of his attacks, which isn't present once you throw away his boomerang. I think he's tied with Tenkai for absolute worst base DEF at 50 (it'll be 60 since you're not likely to get a weapon with 0 DEF). If the JP wiki is right... Kingo has the highest DEF. Wat. There are a few missing from the list, so...

Anyways, the stage. Every hit you suffer results in cutting your money. It's really too bad that they stick both Muneshige and Yoshihiro near the start of the stage to wipe out your funds, unless you happen to be really good at doing no-damage runs. I guess someone like Mitsunari (or even Kenshin) could wreck the stage. At least your partner getting hit doesn't count towards losing money, so I was using Naotora as an attack dog. Attack tiger? Eh, who cares. Playing on the Basara difficulty was kind of my fault since I wanted the trophy. At least I have a relatively easy way of grabbing EXP now. ... And it's not using Katsuie. I somehow ended up with all the EXP-related inscriptions while playing as Kojuurou, so he's been the one helping level the next ones up for story completion. Because HP is really that important./s

You can probably tell by now that I really like Kojuurou. But I should probably get an EXP farming weapon for Katsuie because he can wreck stages faster than Kojuurou when locked at Lv1. Plus, his gimmick lets him practically full-combo a stage, which is pretty awesome.

The other Xavi stage isn't that bad, although I haven't quite figured out how to "pray while the Waltz is in effect" part. It's probably related to the roulette at the top of the screen. That I can't, incidentally, fully read.

Capcom seems to have released challenge vids. It was a nice reminder that Yoshihiro's best movement technique is... dash jumping. He's funny in his own, sluggish, way. Thankfully with the system changes, Yoshihiro doesn't get his massive sword stuck in the ground as much. Because I suck at aiming that rather large chunk of metal. Seriously, it looks more suitable for breaking all the bones rather than cutting you. I think almost half his skills involve smashing you with it.

Oh yeah. Kinda noticed after a bit that you can see after beating a route with a character if they have other notable routes. So the most efficient would actually be clearing their "Creation" routes first, then selecting their "Drama"/"Anime" routes after. Only need to play 2 stages and the game plays all the dialogue leading to them. Which was great when I needed to finish up Hideyoshi's Drama route because I suck at playing grapple characters. Still fun, just wouldn't want to go at it at a higher difficulty.

I'll get an inFAMOUS post up at some point since Second Son is now out.

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