29 May 2010

Notes on NieR

... 124 046 rules in Facade, with the 124 047th passed the month before Fyra's tour. That's a lot of rules to remember. Anyways, noted down all the entries from the DLC pack, "The World of Recycled Vessel" or "15 Nightmares," depending on the region.

Door 1
This is the world of the recycled vessel, created to avoid the destruction of all.

The Black Scrawl. A lost destiny. A white book. A false truth.

A soldier of salt calling forth white death.
He is Legion, the man who plunged the world into darkness.

The dragon's corpse brought death to the world, delivering unto it the power of the devil.

The black sickness stains the future. They journey to return to soulless vessels.

Door 2
The apocalypse divided the world in two:
one that knows not day, and one which has never seen the night.

Black, and white. Thirteen pacts. The vessels' forms waver as they cross time and space.

The song of man has been drowned out. In its place, the scream of something inhuman.

The sky falls with the dragon. The world ends this day.

The puppet priest collects the accursed prayers and polishes the vessel.

Door 3
As long as this memory exists, as long as mankind has hope, a bloody battle will be waged over the holy domain of the body.

"Foolish human.
Foolish human.
Foolish human.

Foolish vessel."

All is paid. All is sacrifice.

Do not bring back the light.
Do not bring back the vessel.
Do not bring back the future.
Do not bring it back.

Every beam of light is an invitation to death.

I don't have much to say on this right now. All I know is that by the time you get to the 3rd Door, it's probably not her writing, but the Shade. The Black Scrawl appears whenever a Shade manages to reunite with its Replicant. There are also abstract references to the Red Dragon (Angel/Angelus and Caim), but it's not exactly telling on where the origins of the Black Scrawl and White Chlorination disease are from. The White Chlorination is most likely from Angelus, while the Black Scrawl only arose due to complications from Project Gestalt. Namely... The Replicants gaining sentience, and the souls going Gestalt too early, resulting in relapse cases. The original Gestalt was Nier (or whatever you named him), and the first known relapse was Yonah. It's also possible that the Black Scrawl appears when decoding the human soul, removing it from the original body, and when the soul is entering the designated Replicant body. Grimoire Noir is most likely the decoder and Grimoire Weiss is most likely the encoder, allowing for (hopefully) incident-free removal and transfer of souls into clean bodies.

Or you know, I could be completely wrong and should wait for Grimoire NieR to arrive in the mail to try deciphering the plot. No way in hell am I going to get the Drag-on Dragoon books since it's pretty much near impossible here. Or try playing at a sane time so I can actually understand what's going on.

It's funny how the entries don't have anything on what happened with the experiment weapons...

Iron Will
Atk: 200
Mag: +0%
Wgt: Very Light
Is also... missing half the blade. No one in their right mind would use it...

978-4757746619, 978-4757524682 - Books to order on BeNippon (because shipping from Amazon JP sucks).

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