24 Sept 2010

A kebab.

Shimazu-don's joke weapon is a kebab. IT'S A FREAKIN' THREE-ITEM KEBAB. Well, more correctly, they're items for oden. I didn't take a close look at what the items were, but it looked like the Shimazu clan's emblem was on daikon? I'd imagine that the weapon is very soft, so it's really more like a bludgeoning weapon, much like the rest of his weaponry. His BFS is perfect for breaking every single bone in your body rather than slicing you clean in half. Except for that axe. It looks like it can really cut you.

Yukimura's joke weapon is pretty cute. A pair of really big matches. It does take a little bit before they light, just like safety matches. When it's lit though, 100% chance of setting the enemy on fire. It wears off, just like how a match would burn out, then regenerates slowly back into its original form. Hm. I should try setting Masamune on fire! No, I don't mean in the way a lot of fangirls would think. I really mean "burn him." Wonder if you can set the Hondam on fire...?

For my reference, since I sometimes forget what the stages' extra objectives are. Will update a little later on which ones give what stat boosts and possibly filling out treasure totals.

恐山冥府戦 vs. 南部晴政 - Attack
16 treasures - Generals: 8, Found: 3, Bases: 4, Boss: 1
1000EXP - Find the secret area?
2000EXP - Don't let 南部晴政 resurrect the dead (ie: kill him ASAP)

奥州走竜戦 vs. 伊達政宗 - Defense
23 treasures, but can only get 21? - Generals: 7, Found: 9, Bases: 4, Boss: 3
2000EXP - Beat Masamune to the goal Base
3000EXP - Prevent Kojuurou from meeting with Masamune (kill him on the horse)

長谷堂城の戦い vs. 最上義光 - Luck
22 treasures - Generals: 10, Found: 2, Bases: 8, Boss: 2
2000EXP - Beat the mech in 1min or less
3000EXP - Get the boat to its destination unscathed (don't know the best path)

窪田頑固戦 vs. 佐竹義重 - Attack
17 treasures - Generals: 7, Found: 5, Bases: 4, Boss: 1
1000EXP - Take all Bases
2000EXP - Kill all commanders/leaders

神流川の戦い vs. 宇都宮広綱 - Luck
19 treasures - Generals: 11, Found: 2, Bases: 5, Boss: 1
1000EXP - Clear the fog
1000EXP - Kill 10 tigers

川中島凍土戦 vs. 上杉謙信 - Luck
20 treasures - Generals: 7, Found: 3, Bases: 6, Boss: 4 (3 if you kill MUTEKI-SAMA first)
1000EXP - Open the door behind MUTEKI
2000EXP - Take all bases

上田城水攻戦 vs. 真田幸村 - Attack
21 treasures - Generals: 8, Found: 4, Bases: 7, Boss: 2
2000EXP - Ambush Yukimura
1000EXP - Open the floodgate on Sasuke's clones

上田城攻竜戦 vs. 伊達政宗 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss: 2
2000EXP - Kill all commanders
3000EXP - Break all chests

小田原城再建戦 vs. 北条氏政 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss: 2
2000EXP - Take all bases
3000EXP - Ambush Ujimasa (Take centre, left, jump to right, right bases in less than 2min. Then don't fall off the rooftops.)
!!!Fugitives are always on the rooftops.

帰雲城碧落戦 vs. 姉小路頼綱 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: 7, Boss: 1
1000EXP - Take all bases
2000EXP - Enter the castle in under 2min

手取川の戦い vs. 前田利家/まつ - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: 5, Boss: 2
1000EXP - Take all bases
3000EXP - Force Matsu to drain the supplies. Keep whacking Toshi and don't kill Matsu first.

三方ヶ原断崖戦 vs. 徳川家康 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: 8, Found: 4, Bases: 7, Boss: 3
1000EXP - Find the secret area
3000EXP - Defeat Hondam

背水防衛戦 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: 0, Found: , Bases: 3, Boss: 0
2000EXP - Kill 20 fan users before you lose a bridge
3000EXP - Take all bases
One of the easiest stages to get No Damage in as there are no Bosses. Be careful of archers!

関ヶ原の戦い 内応 vs. 石田三成 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Force Kingo's betrayal of the Western army
1000EXP - Break the poison lances

関ヶ原の戦い 謀略 vs. 毛利元就 - Attack
? treasures - Generals:, Found: , Bases: , Boss: 5
2000EXP - Use the solar ray to destroy Akatsukimaru
2000EXP - Kill all commanders

関ヶ原の戦い 決戦 vs. 石田三成 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
3000EXP - Kill Gyobu before he fires the poison lances
3000EXP - Take all bases, kill all commanders

関ヶ原の戦い 集結 vs. 徳川家康 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
3000EXP - Catch and kill Kingo
3000EXP - Kill Hondam

関ヶ原の戦い 最強 vs. 徳川家康 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Don't let your health fall into the red.
3000EXP - Defeat Hondam

関ヶ原の戦い 残影 vs. 徳川家康 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Find Ieyasu's real location
2000EXP - Defeat Kojuurou before Masamune

関ヶ原の戦い 乱入 vs. 石田三成/徳川家康 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: 6, Found: 1, Bases: 8, Boss: 4
5000EXP - Reach 10000 hits
3000EXP - Kill 1000

金ヶ崎睡夢戦 vs. お市 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Find all hostages
3000EXP - Defeat Ichi before taking the bases

金ヶ崎の退き口 vs. お市/天海 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Take all bases
2000EXP - Kill 10 base takers

本能寺の変 vs. 織田信長 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
3000EXP - Don't let Nobunaga revive more than once (don't let him take more than 2 bases)
5000EXP - Let Nobunaga revive 4+ times (let him take all the bases)

大阪・冬の陣 vs. 石田三成 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Take all bases
2000EXP - Defeat the attack horse in under 1min

大阪城奪還戦 vs. 黒田官兵衛 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Destroy the hidden mech yourself
2000EXP - Kill all commanders

大阪・夏の陣 紅 vs. 真田幸村 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Take all bases
2000EXP - Take the Sanada-maru

大阪・夏の陣 蒼 vs. 徳川家康/伊達政宗 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Kill all commanders
3000EXP - Defeat Hondam without using the cannon

雑賀荘の戦い vs. 雑賀孫市 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Find the secret Saika stronghold
2000EXP - Take all bases before engaging Magoichi

烏城の戦い vs. 天海/小早川秀秋 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
1000EXP - Defeat Kingo right after putting out his hotpot flames
2000EXP - Defeat Tenkai without falling into the red
*** Arguably the easiest stage to get the No Damage item if you play a long range game. Or using Mitsunari.

月山富田城砂丘戦 vs. 尼子晴久 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Reveal the hidden area (capture all bases)
2000EXP - Don't let Amago escape more than 3 times (in reality, only 2 since he always runs away the first time)

厳島の戦い vs. 毛利元就 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Kill all commanders
3000EXP - Kill Motonari without taking any bases (allies can't do it either)

中富川海砦戦 vs. 長曾我部元親 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Kill all commanders
3000EXP - Destory both Akatsukimaru in less than 1min

能島海戦 vs. 鶴姫 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Kill all commanders
3000EXP - Ensure both boat reinforcements (40sec in first area, 15sec vs. Tsuru in 3rd round)

能島城海賊戦 vs. 長曾我部元親 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Take all bases during material transportation
3000EXP - Kill all transporters

石垣原坑道戦 vs. 黒田官兵衛 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: , Boss:
2000EXP - Destroy the mech in less than 1min
3000EXP - Clear the rocks with less than 3 bombers killed

戸次川の戦い 思い出編 vs. 大友宗麟 - Attack
? treasures - Generals: 6, Found: 2, Bases: 5, Boss: 2
1000EXP - Take all bases
3000EXP - Defeat Muneshige

戸次川の戦い 三英雄編 vs. 大友宗麟 - Defense
? treasures - Generals: , Found: , Bases: 5, Boss: 4
3000EXP - Gain 20000ryo
5000EXP - Kill Sorin without losing any money

耳川潜伏戦 vs. 島津義弘 - Luck
? treasures - Generals: 8, Found: 4, Bases: 5, Boss: 1
2000EXP - Kill all commanders
2000EXP - Take all bases to make Yoshihiro retreat

And Honnoji paths. Typed it up on GFAQs at one point, forgot to update here. Someone reposted it, but didn't credit. Oh well. I know it was me because I write things in a funny manner.

Ieyasu - Red
Mitsunari - Blue
Otani - Blue
Magoichi - Either
Kanbei - Red (upper, avoid fighting Oichi and Magoichi)
Tsuruhime - Red (avoid Oichi)
Masamune - Red
Yukimura - Blue
Keiji - Purple
Motochika - Green or Blue
Motonari - Red
Shimazu - Red (upper, fight Motonari instead of Tsuru)
Tadakatsu - Red and Green
Kotaro - Blue

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