28 Sept 2011

Pon Pon!

I have no idea why, but I just started playing Patapon again. Probably because of wandering around TV Tropes (again), then seeing that Patapon 3 had be out for a while now. So I replayed the first 2 (with cheats, can't really be bothered with grinding everything out right now). I'd have to agree with the Hero unit in Patapon 2. Those guys really are "insane in the membrane." Ton, Chin and Kan (1, 2, 3?) in 3 are just as bad, to the point that Hatapon and the Uberhero (and maybe Silver Hoshipon) are the only sane ones left. Sukopon might count, but he's always looking through that telescope of his. So I'm playing through 3 with a few cheats here and there to get an idea of how the game operates, then I'll switch over to really playing it.

... And being the idiot that I am, I started with Yumiyacha the archer. At least that gives me 2 healers!

On the Chaos Legion front, I finally found my PS2 copy. In a box that I didn't realize also had PS2 games in. Woo. The disc is still in good condition so I'm not going to worry about that for the time being, though it should probably get cleaned or repaired some time soon. So now I'm just plowing through Normal, because I noticed that I never finished it on that difficulty. Just Easy. More than likely because I wasn't exactly good back then. Still really bad now, but noticeably better, I guess. So my PC play is on hold for a little bit, until I beat it on the PS2. Made it up to Stage 7 already, but I don't really know which Legions I should tag along because I still need to get through Stage 8, which is really long, before I can start grinding their stats. I want to bring Malice and Blasphemy because they're my strongest Legions, but I also want to tag along Guilt because of the 6-hit combo and it needing the EXP for the Spiritual Gem. Also, it's because I know that Stage 10 and 11 are going to be massive pains to run through.

On a side note, it seems that I really can't see depth that well in games. Or in real life for that matter. And I have 2 functional eyes. Probably explains why I still walk right into things. I started noticing after joining archery last year because I really couldn't tell just how far away the targets were until I walked up to them. I could see that they were far away because of the size difference, but not how far. I just attributed the walking-into-things bit to being a klutz and lack of spatial perception in general. This might explain why I suck at action games. I can't really tell where the models are in 3D space. This is very bad if playing on higher difficulties.

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