11 Feb 2014

Pink Golf Carts

Slowly moving through Saints Row The Third with a friend now... Still don't know what else I can do to get it to run a little bit better. It can easily tank at <15fps, which is nigh unplayable once you get swarmed. What's even funnier is that I can't see my partner's avatar, which he eventually told me that they're very similar save for the outfit and weapon choices during our BL2 session.

So. During the little rampage of various story missions, we needed a vehicle (since I still can't drive properly) to get around to the various locations a little bit faster. So my friend runs off to find one since he knows the city a lot better than I do, while I deal with the fighting (something I'm decent at even with crap fps). He asks one really simple question, "pink or purple?" Since I had no idea what he was referring to, I said "pink" for the hell of it. Turns out that he went to get a golf cart, of all things, out of a nearby garage for our use. And thus we continued our rampage in a pink golf cart. Tried to keep laughter to a minimum to not wake everyone else in the house... It was pretty absurd driving around in a tiny golf cart with Pierce and shooting up everything that gets in the way. Now only if it could run better... Maybe the cleaner install will help? It's already helping other things a bit.

Speaking of BL2, started playing as Zero. In a tux. And it's awesome. Well, except for going down all the time while trying to melee everything in the face. Also, he's a little bit taller than Maya, which was a little bit fun trying to adjust to (not as bad as Sal being really short though). Still don't know what to spec into. Started with Sniping at first... but that wasn't really helping since I wasn't the host, so lag killed the sniping. So respecced to Bloodshed, which worked a bit better, save for the fact that I went with Killing Bl0w instead of Ir0n Hand, which was pretty lulzy in itself. Funny enough, it saved me a few times while downed.

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